
Main Contacts

Brain cancer is a serious issue in the global burden of diseases. It is estimated that 3.24 million new cancer cases and 1.66 million cancer deaths will be registered across Europe in 2024 and 40,800 of these deaths are from brain and central nervous system (CNS) cancers.

Prof Xinzhog Li

Action Chairman & Grant Holder Scientific Representative.
Professor of BioInformatics.

Call: +4401642738451

Email: x.li@tees.ac.uk

Prof Radim Jancalek

Action Vice Chairman

Call: +00420606670512

Email: radim.jancalek@fnusa.cz

Dr Inga Dadeshidze

Science Officer

Call: +3225333817

Email: inga.dadeshidze@cost.eu

Ms Jeannette Nchung Oru

Administrative Officer

Call: +3225333850

Email: jeannette.nchungoru@cost.eu


Brain cancer is a serious issue in the global burden of diseases. It is estimated that 3.24 million new cancer cases and 1.66 million cancer deaths will be registered across Europe in 2024 and 40,800 of these deaths are from brain and central nervous system (CNS) cancers.

Prof Xinzhog Li

Action Chairman & Grant Holder Scientific Representative.
Professor of BioInformatics.

Call: +4401642738451

Email: x.li@tees.ac.uk

Prof Radim Jancalek

Action Vice Chairman

Call: +00420606670512

Email: radim.jancalek@fnusa.cz

Prof Terezia Kiskova

Science Communication Coordinator & WG6 Leader

Call: +421552341216

Email: terezia.kiskova@upjs.sk

Dr Milica Pesic

Grant Awarding Coordinator

Call: +381112078406

Email: camala@ibiss.bg.ac.rs

Dr Leonor Cerdaal Berich

WG1 Leader

Call: +34 961245633

Email: leonor_cerda@iislafe.es

Dr Anna Golebiewska

WG2 Leader

Call: +35226970244

Email: anna.golebiewska@lih.lu

Prof Tuga Bagci-Onder

WG3 Leader

Call: +902123381077

Email: tuonder@ku.edu.tr

Prof Gabriel Fernandez Calvo

WG4 Leader

Call: +34926052219

Email: gabriel.fernandez@uclm.es

Prof Sebastian Brandner

WG5 Leader

Call: +02034484435

Email: s.brandner@ucl.ac.uk

Dr Claudia Mazo

WG6 Leader

Call: +0858631873

Email: claudia.mazo@dcu.ie

Let's beat Brain Cancer together

Brain cancer is a serious issue in the global burden of diseases. It is estimated that 3.24 million new cancer cases and 1.66 million cancer deaths will be registered across Europe in 2024 and 40,800 of these deaths are from brain and central nervous system (CNS) cancers.